Posted By Stephen

Yesterday we cooked some Bolognaise sauce, planning to eat it with spaghetti this evening. As it turned out, we had some lovely-looking pappardelle rigate in the cupboard, so we used these instead. The “rigate” means that the pappardelle are ridged (just visible in the picture above) and this makes more of the sauce stick to them. I’m certain it’s not traditional to eat it with Bolognaise sauce, but we did anyway.
We followed a recipe similar to our usual recipe, except used white wine instead of red, didn’t add any lardons and added loads of mixed fresh herbs (parsely, sage and rosemary) from the garden. The result was lighter than usual and put an interesting slant on something that we usually make to pretty much the same recipe each time; sometimes when we have a recipe that works really well we are worried to change it in case it goes awry and disappoints, but this time there was no disappointing.
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I never knew why it is called penne rigate and now I do!
.-= gourmet chick´s last blog ..Locanda dell’Isola Comacina (Gourmet Chick in Italy) =-.
au contraire! my girlfriend’s from bologna, makes a mean bolognese and the other night we had it with pappardelle! in bologna you see ‘ragu’ served a lot with tagliatelle, but really any long flat pasta will do. spaghetti’s not actually that great for picking up the sauce, but that’s the english twist on the tradition i suppose 🙂
.-= canelvr´s last blog ..Cinque Terre restaurant: Ripa del Sole, Riomaggiore =-.
That’s interesting, canelvr, thank you!
what brand of pappardelle do you use?
I can’t remember what brand this was specifically but we generally use De Cecco.