Posted By Stephen

A few weeks back on Saturday Kitchen, Nic Watt cooked Sea Bream Marinated in White Miso. I have been obsessing about it ever since and we ended up buying white miso and mirin when we came across them in anticipation of making it. Last night I made the marinade and put the badly filleted sea bream (really should just ask the fishmonger to do it next time) into it to marinate overnight. The recipe says two hours, but that wouldn’t have fitted into our schedule very well.
So when we got home tonight we cooked it under the grill. And almost burnt it. Which is part of the plan really; Nic Watt was saying this is best done on a barbecue but that wasn’t likely to happen on this rather cold and windy night. We served it with some sesame mushrooms and pak choi. It wasn’t as good as I was hoping. Not sure what went wrong – maybe the extended marination had made it too sweet, but somehow the flavours just didn’t seem to complement each other well. And the mushrooms didn’t taste like much either. Anyway, at least I’ll stop obsessing about it now.
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