Posted By Kerri

I wanted to cook salmon in a sweet chilli rub this evening but couldn’t find a recipe for it, a quick look on BBC food threw up this recipe for teriyaki salmon which both Stephen and I thought sounded good. Stephen had the fantastic idea of making tempura vegetables to go with it so that’s what we did.
The salmon turned out brilliantly, the teriyaki sauce is made seperately and the fish is fried before being added to the liquid – I was really surprised that it managed to take on so many flavours without actually being cooked in the sauce but it did.
The tempura vegetables also worked out well, the second batch were better after we realised that the oil wasn’t quite hot enough in the beginning. We used a plain tempura batter but I think it could have done with some seasoning and/or some chilli.
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I love teriyaki salmon but have never tried making tempura vegetables. I’ve always imagined it would be rather tricky – I am glad yours turned out so well. Perhaps I should be brave and give them a try!