Posted By Kerri

The broad bean season is so short and we’re both big fans but for some reason we don’t tend to use them that often. Determined to do something interesting this week, we put them in the shopping basket on Saturday which forced me to spend some time looking at things to do with them. Seeing as we had some lamb chops in the freezer and an abundance of mint, I opted for a salad. There are of course lots of variations in existence so I decided to combine the parts I liked the best and do it my own way.
I boiled some broad breans, peas and spring onions for about five minutes and left them until they were cool enough for the beans to be skinned. I then added some crushed garlic, olive oil, crunchy salt, black pepper and some torn mint leaves. Mix it all together and serve. It’s really simple but incredibly tasty and the perfect accompaniment to lamb chops.
We also had some sauteed potatoes, just because we always do with lamb but also because there was a lonely looking potato that needed to be used up. I burnt the onions though so no picture 🙂
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A great classic. Gotta make the most of those beans while you can get ’em, eh?
Lovely! Mint goes so well with these green vegetables and lamb.
Great menu – well done.
Looks D-licious!
I was looking for a nice recipe for a broad bean and pea salad. Great job! x