Posted By Stephen

We don’t seem to have had roast lamb for a while, so chose it for today. Kerri cut little pockets into our lamb leg and stuffed them with garlic, rosemary and anchovies.
We also cooked boulangere potatoes, which are thinly sliced potatoes layered with thinly sliced onions and herbs and then cooked with milk and stock. The top layer got a bit scorched; we probably didn’t have enough liquid. But the rest of it was really tasty. We followed Delia’s recipe but next time we’ll cook it for longer and cover it with foil for most of the cooking time to prevent the stop from scorching.
We served the lamb with caper sauce from this recipe, with just a little white wine vinegar added.
The lamb was really tasty and full of flavour and the caper sauce went well with it, but had to be used sparingly as it was rather strong. As described above, the potatoes were also really good except for the burnt top layer. We also had leeks, broccoli and green beans.
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This sounds interesting – I love capers and can imagine that the combination with lamb would work well.
As for boulangere potatoes, I always find they take MUCH longer to cook than I usually anticipate. Like you, next time I think I’ll cover with foil and then cook for longer.
It did work well Antonia but I think it would have been better with plain, roast lamb rather than the version we did with garlic, anchovies and rosemary. With the added flavour in the potatoes it was all a bit much 🙂
Oooh that caper sauce looks delicious.