Posted By Kerri

This was our third attempt at perfecting our hamburger recipe and by jove, I think we have it. What was important to us was a burger that retained its meaty flavour but had just the right amount of other flavours to complement it. Once the basics are there then we can play around with the toppings which tonight were lettuce, pickles, cheese, fried onions and a selection of mustards. The meaty burgers stood up to this myriad of toppings very well which confirmed that we’ve cracked it.
500g minced chuck steak
Salt and pepper
1/2tsp Dijon mustard
1/2tsp English mustard
1/2tsp wholegrain mustard
several dashes Tabasco sauce
1tbsp parsley
1/2 medium onion, grated
Mix all ingredients together well, form into two patties (yes they will be large!) and then chill until needed. Grill over direct (but not too hot) heat for four minutes per side, with the lid on. This will produce medium-rare burgers.
Now we just have to work on a hamburger bun that is big enough and firm enough to carry a burger as fine as this.
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Wow, that looks so great. I know what I am BBQ’in this weekend
I reckon you’ve cracked it.
They look amazing.
Man that looks like one tasty burger! I am currently massively skint and living on lentils so you’ve no idea how much I want that burger right now.
.-= Helen´s last blog ..Crumpet Fail =-.
They. Look. Amazing!!!
Thanks for the lovely comments everyone 🙂
They were really good and we both ended up talking about them a lot the next day. Hopefully it won’t turn out to be a one-off and we’ll be able to replicate them.
Helen we did consider making lentil burgers at some point last week but of course they wouldn’t be quite the same. 🙁 I hope you get to have a real one soon.
Reminded my I haven’t made burgers for ages. These look lovely happy to see cheese and pickles.
.-= Girl Interrupted Eating´s last blog ..Sardines with Fregula Sarda Salad =-.
Love this burger recipe looks and sounds fantastic. You should check out the Ultimate Burger Contest we are having – you may enjoy it & we are giving away a prize!