Posted By Kerri

Stephen was given a huge (and really tasty) chorizo for his birthday and we were given a huge cabbage (again) by the vegetable box people so, in an effort to use up the cabbage, and just because we wanted to eat chorizo, we came up with the delight you see before you. Chorizo, fried with onions, green cabbage added with a splash of water, potatoes (previously boiled) all mixed up with crème frâiche and salt and pepper. It took about 15 minutes to cook, and about five to eat 🙂
Would also be good with sautéed potatoes rather than boiled.
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Yum! what a wonderful and innovative way to make that chorizo pop! I come from a spanish family, we eat chorizo in many ways, and have never even seen it like this, but you can bet your sweet cabbage I’ll be cooking it next week!
I added cayenne pepper, chilli and paprika. also fried the potatoes first to make them crispy. worked very well. thanks