Posted By Kerri

Having made something similar to sag aloo last week, we decided that far too much time has passed since we cooked any Indian food and decided to cook tandoori chicken again with some sag aloo and also have another go at naan bread.
Our last attempt at naan bread was pretty much a complete disaster so this time we used Heston Blummenthal’s recipe. Although well known for very complicated recipes that require lots of industrial equipment, this recipe was pretty straight forwardl. His recipe requires the use of two, square pizza stones which we don’t have so we improvised with just the one, round stone and a baking tray which worked out well. The basic principle requires heating the grill as high as it will go for 20 minutes and leaning the stone against the side of the oven, resting on the afore-mentioned baking tray. When the oven is as hot as it can be, the door can be opened and the naan bread slapped onto the side of the stone. The first one slipped down quite drastically so we discarded it and tried again. The second attempt was much better and stuck to the stone reasonably well. By the time we came to the last bread, I think we almost had it. They puffed up well and had the characteristically bubbly surface that naan bread is well known for.

The chicken was cooked to the recipe we used last time, as was the sag aloo. We replaced the spinach with some of the kale that Dan gave us last week which worked well although was obviously different to the spinach flavour.
It was all good and worked well with the tomato salad Stephen made. A simple combination of tomato, cucumber, onion, coriander, oil and cumin.
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Oh that naan bread does look good!
Brilliant. Looks stunning. I’ll see if Cassius can compete at this level!
.-= Jonathan´s last blog ..Tandoori Chicken =-.
I am gonna check out the tandoori chicken recipe!! This is a unique way of baking naan! I think it is to imitate the way it is done in a cylinder-like stone oven where they slap the dough onto the vertical sides of the oven. cool!
.-= Mrs Ergül´s last blog ..Hong Kong Trip Part II 香港游之点心日 =-.
Very impressed with the look of your naan bread. The technique described is interesting. I don’t have a pizza stone – yet another thing to add to the list of kitchen ‘must-haves’!
.-= Antonia´s last blog ..Strawberry and marzipan tartlets =-.
That Naan bread looks brilliant -very brave following a Heston recipe as well.
.-= Gourmet Chick´s last blog ..Il Grottino (Gourmet Chick in Italy) =-.
this is very easy and good methord of making naan and chicken.. try it….
Thanks, Hardev. I’m glad you liked it 🙂