Beef Stir-Fry

Posted By Kerri

We went through a phase of eating stir-fry at least once a week, lately we’ve not been as concerned as we should have been with healthy eating which would explain why there’s been more variety in our cooking and therefore less stir-fries.

We decided tonight to re-visit the stir-fry, partly from a health conscious point of view and partly because I found some steak lurking in the freezer during yesterday’s freezer audit.

When I got home I put some rice on to boil and chopped the steak, peppers, baby corns, onions, lemongrass, chilli and garlic. I also grated some ginger and tore up some lime leaves. When Stephen got home he started the process of turning this into something resembling dinner.

Fry the onion for a couple of minutes and then add the garlic, ginger and chilli. Add the steak and after that’s seared throw in the rest of the vegetables. Cook these for another couple of minutes and then add some fish stock and some soy sauce. Turn the temperature down and put a lid on for another couple of minutes. Serve with jasmine rice.

It was really tasty and probably took about 20 minutes, including the chopping. We ate it in about five 🙂

Jul 22nd, 2008

3 Comments to 'Beef Stir-Fry'

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  1. Lizzie said,

    I love your bowls, where did you get them from?

  2. Kerri said,

    Thanks Lizzie, they’re from Habitat.

  3. Ros said,

    This is just the kind of thing I need to show Goon in the next few weeks. He’ll probably be living on his own next year for various job/financial reasons and he’ll probably have very little to live on. I have bought him a wok. Recipes like this are just what he needs- thanks.

    Ah, the Habitat. I generally look in the window and drool.

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