Posted By Stephen

A quick and easy but still tasty dinner this evening, it was mostly comprised of ingredients that we had bought last week with a similar idea in mind but had ended up going out instead.
Quick overview: Stir fry some sliced garlic, finely chopped / minced ginger and sliced chilli for a minute in vegetable oil in a hot wok. Add a thinly sliced chicken breast, then after a minute or two add halved baby corn and green beans. After another minute or so, add sliced red pepper and sliced spring onions. Add a healthy drizzle / splash / glug each of Thai fish sauce and soy sauce, plus a dash of chicken stock. Turn down the heat and put a lid on the wok until the vegetables have just cooked through and are still quite crunchy. Add some noodles (which you have cooked / soaked already!) and combine well with everything else. Sprinkle over some crushed peanuts and it’s ready to serve.
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hmmm…rather healthy too! Like the addition of peanuts! xxx
Ooh, you can see the steam rising off it!
Mr F and I always argue about adding stock to stir-fries (I’m for, he against…) so we don’t tend to have them v often but I really fancy one now!
.-= Alex´s last blog ..Chocolate brownies =-.
Alex we didn’t used to add stock until we followed a recipe that included it and found that it created lovely sauce to soak into the rice.
I love that stir fries are quick and healthy. I have never used a stock in mine before but I think it’s a great idea.
I thought I’d look back and try to find the first time that we put stock into a stir fry – it might have been this one:
It also includes cornflour which gave a gloopy quality to the sauce reminiscent of some Chinese restaurants.