Author Archive

Mexican Style Whole Chicken

Kerri -

We had some friends over for dinner on Saturday night and, after exploring pretty much every cuisine we could think of, we settled on Mexican food. The reason it took us so long to decide is that we wanted to cook Maddhur Jaffrey’s chicken but in a different style. We both thought it would work […]

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Pot Roasted Chicken with Mustard

Kerri -

Oh dear, another unintentional break in posting due to busy schedules and pre-summer diets. We have of course been eating but none of it has been that interesting unfortunately. There just hasn’t been the time to think about food or spend much time preparing it. And healthy food isn’t really my forte so there’s been […]

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Cheese Scones with Bacon Jam

Kerri -

Yep, BACON jam. Jam, made of BACON. It’s jam but it’s got BACON in it. How great does that sound? I’ve had variations of this recipe saved for ages since it was doing the rounds of the American food blogs a couple of years ago. It was only during the recent recipe-clearout that I came […]

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Roast Rib of Beef

Kerri -

We were out all day last Sunday and ended up in the pub in need of something to eat. When this happens I always avoid the Traditional Sunday Roast since I don’t think it’s ever as good as the real home-cooked version. For some reason, last Sunday I broke my golden rule and was rewarded […]

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Chicken Kiev with Mustard

Kerri -

My obsession with mustard continues. As does it seems my obsession with breaded meat, especially for Friday night dinners. The two together obviously equal chicken kiev with a mustard-butter instead of the usual garlic. We were going to call this Chicken Dijon (since the chicken is stuffed with Dijon mustard) but that already exists and […]

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Thai Prawn Stir Fry

Kerri -

This was supposed to be mussels but when we came to clean said mussels, most of them were open. It was 7pm by this point so we quickly returned the mussels and exchanged them for some prawns. One of the major benefits of stir-frying is the speed at which the meal comes together so the […]

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Pasta Fagioli

Kerri -

This started life as a potato and fennel soup but, somewhere along the way, pasta and beans became more appealing. Pasta and beans with chorizo. I’m sure the potato and fennel soup had potential but in a fight with chorizo there can only be one winner. This was a pretty basic soup recipe to which […]

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Breaded Veal

Kerri -

This was going to be veal milanese (breaded veal, coated in egg, herbs and parmesan then rolled in breadcrumbs) but I didn’t have any eggs. Instead, I coated the veal with mustard (much like last Friday’s chicken), sprinkled on some dried herbs de provence (Stephen chopped some fresh parsley too but I forgot it ), […]

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Pasta Bolognese

Kerri -

An old favourite this evening, pasta bolognese/bolognaise. I keep beef mince in the freezer for emergencies. What sort of emergency I’m imagining is anyone’s guess, we live 15 minutes from the centre of London and have at least three butchers and as many supermarkets and deli’s within walking distance of our front door. Still, I […]

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Chicken with Mustard Lentils

Kerri -

I love puy lentils and we eat them a lot. Boiled simply and then flavoured with oil and fresh herbs while still warm, they are endlessly versatile and often form the basis of a quick, week-night dinner. What we don’t often do is cook them with other ingredients as part of a one-pot dish. Cooked […]

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