Author Archive

Parma Ham, Peashoot and Pesto Pizza

Kerri -

This was originally going to be something and watercress pizza but something went wrong with out shopping order and we ended up with peashoots instead. I had selected watercress because the English stuff is just coming into season, these peashoots were from Portugal so not exactly food-mile friendly but tasty nonetheless. We tossed the raw […]

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Steak Fajitas

Kerri -

We had a small piece of steak in the freezer which wasn’t really enough for a whole meal but was too much to throw away. We had no plan for dinner tonight so ended up stretching the steak by adding lots of vegetables to make fajitas. We haven’t had these for ages and they were […]

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Spiced Salmon

Kerri -

Salmon, cooked quickly with cumin, chilli, coriander and lemon (much like this recipe actually) and served with roasted cauliflower. The cauliflower just wouldn’t cook though, we ate it anyway but it was far too crunchy.

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Leftover Morrocan Roast Chicken

Kerri -

Yesterday’s leftover chicken reheated and served with vegetables that had been roasted with chilli, cumin and garlic. A handful of coriander and some warm wraps and that was tonight’s dinner. Perfect Monday food.

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Morrocan Roast Chicken

Kerri -

While I was planning meals for the weekend, I decided that I wanted to roast a chicken with Morrocan flavourings, in a similar way to this leg of lamb. I bought a bulb of fennel, some olives and some preserved lemons and set about putting together said roast chicken. It didn’t take long for me […]

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Tea and Cake

Kerri -

Having talked earlier about how we rarely accept items to sample, I’m going to talk about another item I happily said yes to now. This time it was tea and the new range from PG Tips. I love tea and I drink loads of it. I like it strong and I like it to be […]

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Kerri -

I got an email a couple of weeks ago asking if I was interested in trying some bacon. We get a lot of emails asking us to try things and we mostly say no, mostly the products aren’t that interesting, I don’t like writing reviews and, if I don’t like the product then I feel […]

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Purple Sprouting Brocolli Pizza

Kerri -

Pizza is a Friday night staple in our house. It’s fun food, the varieties are endless and it’s also quick and easy which is perfect for a relaxing night at home following a busy week. I was out on Friday night though and since we had decided to try the purple sprouting brocolli topping and […]

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Spaghetti alla Vodka (with bacon)

Kerri -

I started a new job last week and one of the many good things about it is that I get to work from home and therefore save myself an extra two hours a day that I used to spend at the mercy of London Underground. I can also work flexible hours so, in theory, I […]

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Mexican Breakfast

Kerri -

Having over-catered somewhat on Saturday night, we ended up eating leftovers on both Sunday and Monday. While I’m not a fan of eggs, Stephen loves them so it was with great delight that he topped his leftovers with a fried egg on Monday night. I was out when he took this picture but I’m glad […]

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