Archive for December, 2010

New Year’s Eve Fondue

Kerri -

So, as I mentioned, just after Christmas, Stephen and I flew out of freezing London to sunny South Africa. We arrived to bright sunshine and heat that peaked at 40 degrees. It was glorious and very difficult to get back on the plane to come home. The first real meal we ate was fondue, to […]

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Tom Yum Goong

Kerri -

This is an old one which we ate this when we arrived back in London after Christmas. Spicy prawn soup is a great dish when you’re looking for something light and interesting after days of eating too much heavy food. We cooked the same thing last year and often do a variation of it when […]

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Lentil and Bacon Ragu

Kerri -

I wrote this up at the time of eating but forgot to post it and have just found it in the draft folder. Lucky for me since I wouldn’t have remembered any of this. Both Stephen and I are recovering from heavy colds and today’s weather meant we didn’t feel much like venturing from the […]

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Brussels Sprout Pizza

Kerri -

I know, it sounds a bit novelty doesn’t it? Like I was trying to come up with a festive pizza or something. I wasn’t (although it’s got me thinking) but was instead wondering whether it would be as good as our favourite pizza of the year: the cavolo nero pizza. It wasn’t as good but […]

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Oxtail Ragu with Tagliatelle

Kerri -

Oxtail is something I normally think of as being accompanied by mashed potatoes but I’ve seen various references to it online as being served with “egg noodles”. I’m a big fan of pasta so was keen to give it a go and put together a recipe I thought would befit some glossy tagliatelle (papardelle was […]

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Pork Chops with Whisky, Mustard and Mushroom Sauce

Kerri -

While this clearly doesn’t look particularly appetising, it was actually really good. We cooked it the first time at my mum’s house but the pictures didn’t come out very well. One could argue that this picture didn’t come out particularly well either and I wouldn’t disagree but I’ve temporarily suspended my quest for a decent […]

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Leftover Pork Wraps with Refried Beans

Kerri -

This is something we often cook on a Monday if we’re fortunate enough to have leftovers from the day before. We often do have leftovers because we generally buy a larger piece of meat than we need – it makes for a quick and easy meal on a Monday night and I think the larger […]

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Roast Pork

Kerri -

Is there a patron saint of cooking? I’m not sure and Google was inconclusive. If there is such a thing and indeed, if I believed in such things, then I imagine she (it’s got to be a she, right?) was looking down on us this weekend. After not spending much time in the kitchen recently, […]

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Ox Cheek Daube

Kerri -

Beef daube is not something I’ve eaten or cooked before so when a friend mentioned she was cooking it this weekend, I started looking at recipes. I was looking for something that would sit happily in the oven all afternoon while we decorated the tree and this was perfect. Like all slow-roast or braised dishes, […]

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Mince Pies

Kerri -

One of my favourite things about Christmas are the traditions that go alongside the presents and the turkey.  I like a big tree with too-many decorations on it (I get this from my mum, her tree is so overloaded that you can’t really see the branches and it often falls over), I like strings of […]

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