
Posted By Kerri

Today, like most days, I had Corn Flakes.


I also had tea but I forgot to take a picture of that. Something for you to look forward to tomorrow 🙂

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Oct 2nd, 2006

Smoked Mozarella, Red Onion and Sundried Tomato Pesto Panninis

Posted By Kerri

Not the best shot but I was hungry 🙂

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Oct 1st, 2006

Guinea Fowl, Duck and Wood Pigeon Casserole…

Posted By Stephen

…served with crème frâiche cabbage and crushed new potatoes.

The casserole also contained shallots, celery, thyme, cider and crème frâiche. It was good, but the wood pigeon was a little dry. Perhaps we should cut the poor little thing into larger pieces next time.


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Oct 1st, 2006

Steak and Mushroom Pie

Posted By Kerri

It was immense.


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Sep 30th, 2006

Saturday Kitchen

Posted By Stephen

Lunch: mozarella and tomatoes, salad, ham, bread and cheese


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Sep 30th, 2006
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