Archive for May, 2007

Poached Salmon

Kerri -

After last night’s culinary adventures, we felt we should make the effort to be healthy this evening. We settled on poached salmon (salmon cooked in boiling water with wine, onion and mixed herbs) and green vegetables. I think it needs a little work as not a lot of the flavours made their way into the […]

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St John

Kerri -

Last night, Stephen and I went to St John for dinner. It’s my second visit there and, once again, the food was excellent. We arrived slightly early and had a drink in the bar, their house Champagne (Jean Milan brut) which is brilliant and then a glass of Muscat Sec which smelt a lot like […]

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Lamb Chops

Kerri -

A quick dinner this evening of lamb chops, marinated in garlic and rosemary, fried and served with some leftover tabbouleh and pitta bread. Tasty but two chops each would have been better.

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Le Creuseted Chicken

Kerri -

On Sunday, we use our new casserole dish to roast a chicken. We began by browning the chicken on all sides and removing if from the pot. Next, we sweated off some carrot, celery, onion and garlic. We then added the chicken back to the pot with some sage, thyme and bay. We added about […]

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Cinco de Mayo

Stephen -

Being Cinco de Mayo today, we decided to have something Mexican. So we started with Margaritas: Which we drank with some tortilla chips (Poco Loco brand which taste much more like real Mexican tortilla chips than supermarket brands do) with some slightly too wet (even though I’d drained it once) but still tasty tomato salsa […]

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Carpet Picnic

Stephen -

On Friday night we had a “picnic” at home with a mixture of Italian nibbly things and some French cheese. Marinated olives, tricolore salad (with really nice mozarella), San Danielle prosciutto, Napoli salami and Munster cheese.

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Linguine with Prawns and Asparagus

Kerri -

A lovely friend of mine bought me the lovely Falling Cloudberries by Tessa Kiros recipe book for my birthday. I read the whole book cover to cover on the train home and I’ve read it a couple of times since, and marvelled at the beautiful photographs, but never cooked from it. Tonight, in order to […]

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Kerri -

Can you even begin to imagine how excited I am? This beautiful object you see before you is ours and will be happily living in our kitchen in less than four hours! Please send me your casserole recipes! G

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