Yorkshire Pudding

Posted By Kerri

One of the first photographs we ever took of something we cooked was Yorkshire pudding. It was big, it was crunchy and it was tasty. Since then, Stephen has perfected the recipe and now it’s big and crunchy and tasty every time.

We had it with topside of beef, roast potatoes, roast parsnips, savoy cabbage, carrots, courgettes and peas (bumper vegetable box this week). And wholegrain mustard and horseradish and Stephen’s gravy.

It was delicious and there’s enough beef left over for roast beef baguettes for lunch tomorrow 🙂

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Oct 15th, 2006


Posted By Kerri

We started this blog on a Saturday. We were supposed so start it on a Friday with our first post being about pizza. We made the pizza but it was something of a disaster; out of date yeast, resorting to pre-packed pizza base mix, forgetting to leave the dough to rest…you get the idea.

But we were determined and this time we were prepared. On Friday night we went to the Italian deli and bought mozarella, two types of salami, olives and artichokes. On Saturday we bought one of those oven-trays with the holes in and we made pizza. It was brilliant. Next time though we need a thicker tomato sauce, less mushrooms and more cheese.

We had the pizza with salad but that just got in the way. Pizza should be eaten alone. Or with a Stephen.


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Oct 15th, 2006

Halloumi with Roasted Vegetables

Posted By Kerri

We got carrots and courgettes in our vegetable box this week, we got them last week too and didn’t eat them. In an effort to use them up we decided on roasted vegetables with halloumi. It was tasty. And squeaky.


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Oct 15th, 2006

Chunky Chilli with Darren’s Guacamole

Posted By Stephen

This is just a normal chilli con carne recipe (I don’t like that name) made with chunks of beef instead of minced beef. The flavours are the same but it feels more casseroley in the mouth. Next time I’ll dice the beef smaller though.

We knew we were going to get home late last night so I made this in advance, it gives the flavours time to develop and makes me feel like a Domestic Goddess 😉

We ate the kidney beans seperately because I’m not that keen on them and also because when I made the chilli I had forgotten to soak the beans. We also had nachos, wraps (for Stephen, although last night I decided I do actually like them) and wholemeal pitta bread for me.

And we had Darren’s guacamole too 🙂


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Oct 13th, 2006

Risotto with Prawns and Tomato

Posted By Stephen

Stephen made this on Tuesday night to use up some leftover prawns from lunchtime. It was good but we decided that next time we made it we would add some lemon juice and parsley to freshen it up. Stephen thought it was a bit too hot (I think?) but I liked the heat.


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Oct 13th, 2006

A Fishfinger Sandwich

Posted By Kerri


One of my favourite things to eat from when I was small, the only difference is that I made it with organic bread instead of the plastic bread that was all you could get then. It’s still just toast and fishfingers though. None of that posh-fishfinger-sandwich business for me. There is no place for rocket in a fishfinger sandwich.

Stephen had fishfingers too but he insisted on having his with vegetables. Rong.

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Oct 10th, 2006

Sausages and Mashed Potatoes… and Lentils and Cabbage

Posted By Stephen

Lincolnshire sausages with lots of sage. Mashed potatoes that turned out pleasingly well as it was made from emergency-bought potatoes. Onion gravy made with onions that caught ever so slightly and went just the right colour of brown to match their rich flavour. And the pièce de résistance: Puy lentils cooked with onions, lardons, garlic and loads of red wine which tasted brilliant despite their greyish-purple tinge.

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Oct 8th, 2006

Pasta with Bacon and Spinach

Posted By Stephen

Today I had two missions: 1) eat pasta 2) eat spinach. With a clever tactical manoevre, I achieved them both in one easy meal. Farfalle with bacon (lardons really), onion, garlic, pine nuts and spinach.


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Oct 8th, 2006

Afternoon Tea

Posted By Kerri

And peanut butter cookies. The cookies weren’t great though, I over-cooked them. Next time I’ll know better.


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Oct 6th, 2006

This is Fred…

Posted By Kerri

…isn’t he handsome?


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Oct 6th, 2006
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